Template: /application.cfc:105
Execution Time: 0.996 ms
Record Count: 0
Cached: No
Lazy: No
select CntryNameShort, WebURL, WebPageTitle,CntryCode, CntryStats, CntryText1, CntryText2, CNTRYWEBNAME
from Cntry
ORDER BY CntryNameShort
Welcome To


Itineraries for

The following are "model" itineraries we have created based on our experience and highlighting what, in our opinion, a "normal" (which should mean "above-average") tourist should see and do in the given length of time for this attraction.

Normally these itineraries are in order, based, again, on what we consider are the "optimal" tour lengths, or if they are for specific departures, then they are in chronological order by departure date for this attraction.

Following the attraction itineraries are all the relevant city and country itineraries for your reference. Please click on an "itinerary" you are interested in for additional information, usually including the daily itinerary, a terms and conditions sheet, a sheet with other useful information and a reservation sheet, if appropriate. If you don't have the free progam, Adobe Reader, you can download and install it by clicking on its icon at the top or bottom of these listings. If you do not wish to view these itineraries in Adobe Reader, please phone or email us and we will be happy to mail, fax or email you copies in other formats.

If you would like to see all the photos related to this specific page, please click on the Photo Gallery button in the left panel. The Photo Gallery button will display in a new page all the photos shown in the Flash strip along the top of the page, whether it is a country, city or attraction page. You can click on any of the thumbnail photos to see a much larger version.

Asia Pacific Travel, Ltd. � P.O. Box 350 � Kenilworth, IL 60043-0350 USA
Tel: 1-(847) 251-6400 � Toll Free: 1-(800) 262-6420 � Fax: 1-(847) 256-5601
is a registered trademarks of Asia Pacific Travel, Ltd.


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